Union Coop holds 4 virtual training courses for 350 employees

BENOI NAIR|July 28, 2021

Prepared By: Benoi Nair 


Dubai, UAE:


Union Coop, the largest consumer cooperative in the UAE, through the Department of Strategy, Innovation & Corporate Development, in cooperation with government and private agencies in Dubai, held 4 awareness lectures and virtual training courses on proper nutrition, ways to make employees happy, thinking and avoiding drowning accidents for about 350 employees, with the aim of enhancing the knowledge and skills of  Union Coop employees that ultimately contribute to raising their stock of overall knowledge.

The first virtual awareness lectures aimed to introduce the most important nutritional methods that the employee should follow, and the foods that should be avoided in order to maintain his health and ensure his safety during his presence at the workplace and at home, in addition to information that focused on expanding the employees’ perceptions of proper nutrition systems.

. The lecture focused on five main axes in the field of nutrition and the influencing factors that lead to changes in nutritional contents, the types and forms of trans fats and their sources in foods that pose a threat to human health and the mechanism for limiting them due to their links with modern diseases and safe ways to consume them, and the way to follow the appropriate nutritional program and avoid wrong nutritional practices.

The second training workshop dealt with sound thinking methods, understanding and studying intellectual work on the system and performance of the conscious and subconscious mind, the effect of negative and positive mental thinking, language programming, understanding and repairing human behavior, getting rid of disturbing thoughts during the night, and mental activation exercises to expel lethargy and stress.

Meanwhile, the third workshop focused on ways to make employees happy at the workplace, as it focused on developing mechanisms for success in remote work, how to deal with the new work methods imposed by the Corona pandemic, and measuring the extent to which employees accept innovative methods at work.

The fourth workshop dealt with drowning incidents, which focused on the factors and causes that lead to drowning, proper ways to swim, when people should not enter seawater, and other important instructions to avoid drowning accidents.

Mrs. Priya Chopra – Strategy, Innovation & Corporate Development Dept. Director at Union Coop said that Union Coop has set within its annual plans and priorities to train employees to improve their skills and increase their knowledge in various fields to supplement their overall knowledge stock. Especially through the courses that help to spread awareness and education related to health and nutrition.

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