Al Bastaki: Union Coop confirms commitment to international standards during the home delivery process

BENOI NAIR|March 24, 2020

Prepared By: Benoi Nair

Dr. Suhail Al-Bastaki, Director of Happiness and Marketing Department at Union Coop stressed: “Union Coop follows the highest international standards of public health & safety throughout the year to ensure the display and delivery of products safely and healthily.” Highlighting the fact that Union Coop contracts with suppliers who abide by the International health & safety standards approved by the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment and the Dubai Municipality in all the stages like importing, transporting, storage and distribution, until it is displayed in Union Coop branches.

“Union Coop is pursuing additional measures in cases of home delivery, to ensure safety and security of consumers by – including the provision of appropriate transportation based on the custom transfer needs of a specific product, thereby conforming the food safety system, routinely cleaning the interior and exterior parts of food storage/ transport units comprehensively and also the areas that come in human contact with the use of disinfectants approved by Dubai Municipality. Additionally, the delivery officer is committed to taking adequate health precautions at all times, which includes ‘immediate work stoppage’ in case of symptoms of ‘flu’ such as fever, cough or any other symptoms, Routine hand-washing with water, soap or approved sterilization disinfectants before and after each operation. All the staff have been briefed and trained to avoid contact with face, nose, mouth, eyes and use masks, gloves and take other necessary safety measures to ensure product safety and security,” said Al Bastaki.




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6 thoughts on “Al Bastaki: Union Coop confirms commitment to international standards during the home delivery process

  1. Dear Sir /Madam.
    How payment will process . Can send credit card payment machine with him and Tamyize


  2. Invoice no: 66957
    I have placed a home delivery order on the 23rd of March , and still awaiting for delivery . I have been calling the call Centre for update but it the call is not being received, since we have small children at home , would appreciate if a delivery can be made today or as soon as possible.

  3. I’m unable to do online shopping for the last one week. I called the call centre on March 25th, but no one called me back. The reference number is شكرآ للتواصل مع مركز الإتصال بجمعية الإتحاد لمتابعة الحالة يرجي ذكر الرقم: WO0000000660233
    Please advise

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