Al Baloushy: 60 to 70% Percentage of Reduction in Vegetables Price during Upcoming Winter Agricultural Season
Dubai, 10 September 2015:
Mr. Yaqoub Mohammad Al Baloushy, Manager of Fresh Foods of National Union Association revealed that the reduction percentage of the price for the local vegetables during the upcoming winter agricultural season will range from 50 to 70% in comparison with the current prices of the markets as this will include many kinds including Tomato, cucumber, zucchini and slips in addition to okra and beans.
In respect of the acceptance ratio of the purchase of vegetables during the winter season, Al Baloushy said that “the purchase power for the consumers is increased in this period with a percentage of 30 to 40% in comparison with the other seasons as a result of certain factors at the top of which the price reduction of the local and Omani vegetables raised in the markets and the increase of the reverse travel ratio between the population of United Arab Emirates due to the reduction of temperature and moderate whether of the country.
As for the initiative launched by the Cooperative Union Association to give the priority to the national agricultural products, Al Balouhy confirmed that “the Cooperative Union Association is considered and remains the first authority in the state that markets the local water agricultural products since 2002 and it strives to make the consumers recognize of its interest and feeding and agricultural value with the frame of the association’s objectives representing in the support of the national products and contribution in achieving the food security and its eagerness to assist the national farmers supported by the program names “My Plants” and give them the priority of the purchase”.
Al Baloushy referred that by 2016, most vegetables exhibited in the association’s outlets are from the local water agricultural products, stating that the total daily sales of the vegetables in the affiliates of the Cooperative Union Association range from 50 to 70 tons.
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