November Promotions: Union Coop to Offer Discounts of Up to 75%

BENOI NAIR|November 8, 2023

Prepared By: Benoi Nair


The retailer launched 6 promotional campaigns with discounts of up to 75% in November



Dubai, UAE:


Union Coop has affirmed its continuous commitment to launching promotional campaigns in all of its 27 branches and 7 commercial centers spread throughout Dubai on a monthly and weekly basis throughout the year, following a pre-planned marketing strategy that delights consumers. It has allocated 6 promotional campaigns for the current month of November, including discounts and reductions of up to 75% on more than 5000 essential consumer goods.



It further added that, as part of the November promotional campaigns, Union Coop has offered promotional deals such as “Buy One Get One Free” on selected essential food and non-food products. This is in line with its commitment to provide competitive prices and offer multiple purchasing options for all essential goods and highly consumed products at reduced prices.



The announcement of the November promotional campaigns is made through various media and advertising channels, as well as Union Coop’s social media platforms. These campaigns include various discounts on hundreds of food and non-food products, such as camping and hiking equipment, household care, laundry, cleaning, paper products, dates, nuts, meat and fish products, fruits, vegetables, and more.



It was mentioned that as part of Union Coop’s efforts to delight consumers and keep up with modern times, it is also launching attractive promotional offers in its smart online store during the month of November. The smart online store of Union Coop will include competitive promotional offers on various categories to alleviate the burden on consumers and provide a seamless and convenient shopping experience from the comfort of their homes.



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