Union Coop Inaugurates Consumer Happiness Center

admin|July 30, 2017

The Corporate Commercial Compliance and Consumer Protection Sector at the Department of Economic Development (DED) inaugurated the Consumer Happiness Center at the Union Coop branch in Etihad Mall. As the first of its kind in the hypermarket sector, the Center aims at strengthening the relationship with consumers by receiving and resolving complaints amicably in the stores before they reach Dubai Economy via the Ahlan Dubai service (+971 600545555).

TPrepared by Marwan Alquran

Photographer : Sultan Almarzooqi

This initiative seeks to bolster consumer protection practices and resolve complaints before they reach DED, which would contribute to consumer happiness, achieve the best results, and support the governmental work model in Dubai which focuses in spreading happiness and positivity in providing services.

The introduction of Consumer Happiness Centers in the private sector follows the criteria set by DED, which are as follows: availability of Arabic and English-speaking representatives to receive consumer complaints, displaying the Dubai consumer protection logo clearly along with the complaints hotline (Ahlan Dubai service, +971 600545555), and a guide outlining the mechanism for filing a complaint.

The Consumer Happiness Center at the Union Coop in Etihad Mall was inaugurated by a delegation from Dubai Economy headed by Mohammad Ali Rashed Lootah, Executive Director of the Commercial Compliance and Consumer Protection (CCCP) sector in DED. The delegation also included Harib Mohammed bin Thani, Director of Operation Division, Suhail Al Bastaki, Director of Happiness and Marketing Department at Union Coop, and Mohammed Berregad, Director of Administrative Affairs Department, and along with officials from both entities.

Mohammad Ali Rashed Lootah said that the strategy of Dubai Economy is based on enforcing the concepts of client happiness in cooperation with the private sector. This falls within the framework of the government’s directives for bolstering Dubai’s position as an ideal destination for all shoppers.

“It is our pleasure to inaugurate the Consumer Happiness Center in the hypermarket sector in cooperation with Union Coop,” Lootah said. “The hypermarket sector plays a vital role in strengthening and organizing relations between retailers and consumers on the level of major retail outlets by resolving many complaints amicably without imposing any obligations or fines on retailers, which bolsters Dubai’s position as an economic pole and a pioneer in commercial transactions and business in the Middle East and the world.”

He also explained that this will be followed by opening more Consumer Happiness Centers in other Union Coop branches in Dubai in 2017 and 2018. “At Dubai Economy we seek to raise the quality and standards of consumer protection with these centers to help us realize higher consumer levels of client satisfaction. Ultimately, these Centers will help reducing the total number of complaints received by the communication center at Dubai Economy.

For his part, Suhail Al Bastaki noted that introducing the Center is a step towards shifting from consumer satisfaction towards consumer happiness. “Union Coop follows world-class strategies and practices to realize consumer happiness that employ high-quality programs, activities, events, promotional campaigns, discounts, and more,” he explained. “At Union Coop, we are striving to live up to our promise to provide the best services.”

Concluding, Al Bastaki explained that Client service centers in the Coop branches will be replaced by Consumer Happiness Centers in the upcoming stage, which will cover 13 branches in Dubai. This will constitute a quantum leap in receiving consumer feedback and complaints and responding to them in record time.

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41 thoughts on “Union Coop Inaugurates Consumer Happiness Center

  1. Hello, my invoice #100055959 for order #100066329 says total 309.12aed but my credit card was charged with 344.51aed. Why this overcharge? I would like the refund please. Also we received 5pieces of peaches as per our order, 2 were totally damaged and one more very bad quality upon eating it. I have a photo, please advice how to send you the photo if necessary as i would like to be refunded partially if not totally for 27.22aed – amount paid for the peaches. Thank you.

  2. Hi,

    I placed the order number 100066868 on 25th March 2020, my credit card was charged as well and the delivery was supposed to be done on 30th Mar 2020.

    The delivery was not done on the date and there was no update on delivery time on email or phone.

    I received a call today from al wasl union coop from phone number 042371000, informing that there are a couple of items not available now and what I had paid on promotion cannot be given because on the day they called the promotion is over. I spoke to the client manager Aymen to register my complaint, however when I spoke to him he was not willing to listen and was rude. Instead when I asked his full name he cancelled the call on me.

    I am formally raising complaint against Aymen and need clarification on the following:

    1. When I placed the order on 25th March the items were available and I bought it by paying. Why now I have been called so late that items are not available?

    2. The promotion items I paid for should have been given to me instead of saying that promotion is over. Because i paid for it when the promotion was ongoing.

    I would appreciate if someone from higher management takes notice of this complaint and call me back with clarification.

    I am not without the order being delivered to my place despite ordering on time. And I have to listen to such a rude behavior from Aymen where he cancelled the call as an insult to me.

    Unfortunately, I had expected a very client centric behavior from a big name like union coop.

    1. Hello Ahmed
      kindly note that your comment transferred to the concerned department , and they will contact you soon.

      Thanks for contacting us.

  3. hi i hope it reaches you
    today i went on your shop but am sad on how they treat us expats from locals we went there to do the same thing to buy our needs.
    am just sad on how your security handles issues

    1. Hello Carmita

      kindly specify the branch and the time of your visit and note that your comment will be transferred to the concerned department.

      Thanks for contacting us

  4. I have ordered online on 6th April 2020 and the delivery date was on the 10th between 10 am and 2 pm. (Invoice # 100070927)

    The order is not yet delivered till date and nobody even called.

    Please help

    1. Hello Amira,
      Kindly note that you will receive an email once any order took place.
      The email contains contact number to for your orders follow up

      Thanks for contacting us

  5. i have been ordered some provisional item,i received 70% items only ,balance not yet to received could you pl check &send me as soon as possible.My order number;100081216.

  6. Good morning
    Management today I purchased some product thrue express counter I forget bring tamayaz card I show the card on my phone that staff refused to punch her I’d 842185 she can enter my card number but she refused please briefing time tell her to respect customers invoice number1241589 my tamayaz card number 99110103983873 thanks

  7. Please not that i bought surgical mask packet from Pavilion Union Coop branch last week

    The surgical mask is too tight & painful to wear with in 5 days of time i have returned the bad quality mask which is being sold in 59DHS

    I walk in to customer care of Union Coop Pavilion International city staff was arrogant & ignoring my request to atleast check the mask quality by opening

    I even had a word with customer representative & duty supervisor please also note that they have not given the invoice & they were insisting why you open the box i bought the mask box & open carefully at home &it is too tight & painful due to the bad quality of elastic loops & the whole mask itself.

    i even requested to to exchange with a better quality mask box disappointed with the treatment & behaviour being the loyal customer of UNIONCOOP since more than 10 years

    Rehan Zafar Siddiqui


    1. Hello Rehan,
      kindly contact us via to below number.
      WhatsApp number
      Thanks for contacting us

  8. I purchased a rice cooker in international city union branch and it is broken within warranty period. I handed over it in the same branch for repairs or replacement. It’s been more than 20 days and no proper answers are being provided. It looks like it will take lots of more time. Did I made a wrong choice selecting Union Coop where customer service is apparently questionable?

    1. Hello Mohamed
      kindly clarify your requirements or contact us via our WhatsApp number 8008889
      and provide copy of the receipt.

      Thanks for contacting us

  9. Last Saturday 27th of June 2020 I bought Ariel from your store -double pack at a discounted price- but after opening it at home, to my shock I found that the pack was more than half empty!! I need an explanation on why this happened or a refund.

    1. Hello Sara
      kindly clarify your requirements or contact us via our WhatsApp number 8008889
      and provide copy of the receipt.

      Thanks for contacting us

  10. I purchased mixed nuts from union coop al aweer today and when i opened the pack at home i found worms crowling inside. This is so disgusting. I need this to be investigated why such crap is being sold to the customers. I need my money back with an apology.

  11. I had given rice cooker in original box along with original receipt to check for warranty on 5th May 2020 at AL WASL Union coop but nobody contacted until now regarding update for the same.

    Can somebody please check and update me ASAP.


  12. It’s not acceptable 2 orders always item is missing and no refund
    Previous one GHEE didn’t supplied
    Last item today order100118157 Drumstick 2*900 was missed
    Order value 194.26
    Visa payment 211.02
    I want my money back for both orders

  13. Hi I purchased a Lenovo computer from your Pavillion branch International City. Product has too much problem like slow power on, easy to overheat charger, taking longest time to upload pictures.I bought it urgenntly for reason that it will be used for onli e learning.I personally went there and specified all the complsints re the product thru a representative from.the electronic section.I was given maximum of 15days to resolve the problem.Its almost 15 days but I am not receiving any calls or feedbacks or whatsoever and I was told thst we cannot return the product.First and foremost we bought the product believong that the quality is all guaranteed not expecting any factory defects as we are not allowed to open or test it prior to purchase.I believed for a newly purchased and brand new product, we are not suppose to wait for 15 days maximum +++× in order to resolve the issue.We were even told that we are given 7 days to return the product showing infront of us the policy which was not explained to us nor written in the warranty nor receipt.I told the representative no one told us during our purchase that in case problem arise we should return it within 7 days..Showing us your policy which only the staffs from there knows is a pure nonsense.You should have informed us during the purchase as we have no guarantee if the products we are purchasing has no factory defect.I am your loyal costumer but I am very disappointed fir the first time on how you are handling and resolving problems like this..Its suppose to be a customer happiness but it seems otherwise.I gave consumer rights to return whatever is purchased deemed unsatisfavtory or defective.Pls deal with this urgently.

    1. Hello Regina
      Kindly contact us via our WhatsApp number, to share the receipt photo.
      thanks for contacting us

  14. Hi, I visited union coop safa branch yesterday, I was shocked on the unclean cooking staff ( barbeque section) , specially in this pandemic time they have to be more careful with sanitizing the place and keep change their gloves

    The guy who was making barbeque was keep touching his face ( gloves in hand) and same time touching garbage basket ( same gloves in hand ) and making food with the same gloves in hand!!!!!!!!

    I asked him politely to change his gloves but he got upset

    It was so bad experience for me and for sure will never try ordering food from that branch

  15. On 04/04/2021 I swiped my ADIB card at union coop pavilion mall store. But their card machine was not working and I paid by cash. Then I received the message from bank that the account was debited twice for the amount 7.15 Aed. I talked to the manager Ms. Zahra and she said that’s Bank’s mistake and the amount will be returned after 2 days.If not union coop will refund the same. Since I didn’t receive any amount from bank, I emailed the bank and got a reply that they didn’t receive any information from the store. They informed me that either I can contact union coop for refund or I can raise the complaint with bank which will take 30 or 120 days to resolve. Since getting refund from Union coop seemed to be easier thing, I visited the store on 17/04/2021 and on 21/04/2021. But no proper reply was there from customer service. They were still saying the amount will come back. After so many arguments they took my details and said they will call me for update. Till date I didn’t receive any calls or information. I am 37 weeks pregnant and came to Aster for checkups. I live in qusais and I am not a frequent visitor of the store. So please check at your end and refund the amount at the earliest.

    1. Hello Divya

      kindly send your contact details to our Whats App number 8008889.

      Thanks for contacting us

  16. Dear Sir,
    i would like to inform you that union co operative offers not getting all time always out of stock, i went on first days of promotion period they don,t have stock already , i am so disappointed i went to another branch same time they don’t have stock also, if you don’t have stock why you put the offers in broucher, they working staff are holding them all mobile ans electronic section., they sell it outside kindly please note regarding to concern department.

    1. Hello MOHAMED kindly contact us through our Toll-free whatsapp number 8008889 thanks for contacting us

  17. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته،
    نرجوا من ادارة الجمعية ان تراعي المصلين في المسجد التابع للجمعية “البرشاء” حيث اننا في موسم الصيف و الحر الشديد، حيث اننا نصلي صلاة الجمعة في الخارج من كثرة ازدحام الناس، نرجوا وضع مظلة في الخارج حيث يمكن للمصلي ان يؤدي عبادته بأريحية بدون اي عواقب.
    شكرا و جزاكم الله كل الخير و وفقكم الله

    1. مرحبا أحمد
      برجى العلم بانه جاري العمل في الموضوع على استحداث مظلات دائمة للمصلين خارج المسجد للوقاية من أشعة الشمس.
      نشكر لكم تواصلكم معنا

  18. I am writing to express my disappointment with the online delivery service. I ordered Australian lamb rack and was called to be informed that it was not available but was offered lamb chops instead. The person never informed me that the price per kilo was almost double so that was the first surprise when I received my order and the second being was the quality. It was disgusting. It was just bone and fat. There was so much fat that it was difficult to find any meat and when you did find some meat it was tough. I am extremely dissatisfied with what I received. I am also Tamayaz card holder and frequent your shops often and never have I been so disappointed.

  19. I didn’t receive my paid item ,one is missed ,I call call center they said someone will call me , nobody contact me till now , I have my invoice .

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Website last updated on 16-09-2024 03:01:44 PM

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