Sustainable Development – Need of the Hour?

BENOI NAIR|September 28, 2020

What is sustainable development?

In simple words, Sustainable Development is a type of development that takes care of the present and at the same time does not compromise the needs of the upcoming generations. To simplify things further, it’s about taking care of the environmental resources and utilizing them in a way that does not jeopardize the future generations who will be using the same resources.

Why sustainable development has become a global phenomenon?

An interesting question is ‘why sustainable development is need of the hour?’ and ‘why people are taking it seriously now?’ The answer is, over the years the world has progressed tremendously and this economic growth has cost the environment some serious damages. Talk of issues like ‘Climate change’ and ‘decreased air quality’, both of which are living reminders of how inefficiently the natural resources have been managed.

What are the objectives of sustainable development?

The objectives can be divided into three parts namely: – Environmental protection, Economic growth, and Social Inclusion.

  1. Environmental Protection – Obviously the main objective remains saving the environment and to ensure that our future generations have something to call as theirs. This will include improving biodiversity, proper utilization of resources and minimizing wastage. Gradually the economy has to be shifted to a low-carbon economy.
  2. Economic Growth – Sustainable development also has to ensure a competitive and healthy economy that has the right type of land available in the right location and at the right time, which leads to sufficient growth. A good sustainable development process will identify and then coordinate development requirements.
  3. Social Inclusion – Sustainable development will lead to high-quality green housing concept that will meet the needs of the future generation. The high-quality development will not only promote a healthy environment but will also make local services more accessible to support community health and enhance socio-cultural well-being.

Where all sustainable development concept applies?

It applies to Urbanization, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Energy, Water and Transportation.

“UAE Leading the world in the concept of Sustainable Development…”

UAE over the years through its strategies has been challenging energy and climate change issues successfully. Apart from pledging AED 3.1 billion to renewable energy in more than 30 nations, here are some projects spearheaded by the UAE government that deploys all the 3 objectives –

  • Estidama/ Pearl Building Rating system of Abu Dhabi to ensure sustainable buildings
  • Al SA’FAT or Green Building Regulation/ Dubai Sustainability Plan
  • Masdar City an emerging global clean-technology cluster located in what aims to be one of the world’s most sustainable urban development projects propelled by renewable energy
  • Barakah Nuclear Plant the first nuclear power station of UAE producing clean fuel to power the grid


With all these developments and many more going on, it’s safe to suffice that UAE is in a league of its own when it comes to ‘sustainable development’.

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Read how Union Coop joined hands with ‘International Co-operative Alliance’ to create awareness about climate change here.




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