Why You Should Break Your Fast With Dates?

BENOI NAIR|May 21, 2019


After several hours of fasting, we need something perfect to kick-start the digestion process and nothing can be better than Dates, the magical fruit. Let’s have a look at why one should break his or her fast with Dates:

1.          Dates are an excellent source of Potassium, which plays a key role in muscle-building, regulating heartbeat and blood pressure, preventing strokes and heart diseases.

2.          Dates are a good source of ‘Niacin’ also known as Vitamin B3, which helps convert food into energy and regulates the neural functions as well.

3.          Dates are a good source of vitamin B6, which plays an important role in muscle building, hair and nails growth.

4.          Eating just 4 dates provide Men with approx. 21 % and Women with approx. 30 % of their daily fiber requirements, which is very vital to prevent constipation and helps in feeling full for a longer period of time, and also reduce bad cholesterol.

5.          Since dates are a rich source of ‘Iron’, they aid in the formation of red blood cells, which stimulate the transfer of oxygen to the body cells.

6.          Although Dates are high in calories and sugar, moderate consumption is still good for people with diabetes because it does not raise blood sugar if consumed in moderation.

7.          Dates contain tannic acid, a natural antioxidant known as polyphenols. It helps protect the body’s cells from damage and inflammation. Therefore, dates can be deemed anti-cancerous.

8.          Dates are an excellent energy booster.

9.          Dates are a good source of soluble and insoluble fibers. It helps prevent digestive issues.

10.       Dates help increase bone strength, because it contains a range of important minerals, such as selenium, manganese, copper and magnesium.

11.       Dates help to reduce allergy in general and seasonal allergy in particular, because it contains the organic sulfur compound.

12.       Dates help relieve pain and increase cervical expansion during childbirth.

13.       Dates have anti-microbial properties.


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P.S – This blog is not for educational purpose. Medical advice should be sought from a certified physician ONLY!

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