Healthy and Budget-friendly Grocery Habits Going into the New Year 2019

BENOI NAIR|January 2, 2019

If ‘abs’ are created in the kitchen, so does your overall health! However, what you bring to the kitchen is something that does the trick. Since the countdown clock for 2019 is ticking as we speak, it’s time we cover some healthy grocery habits that may boost your New Year health goals.

The grocery mantra that works the best is “If you don’t buy bad stuff, you don’t eat bad stuff!!!” as simple as that, which is why it is important to learn how to fill the shopping cart with foods that keep you fit and content.


Healthy grocery habits include:


Planning in advance on what to buy



Perfect grocery experience starts even before you enter the store. Select some healthy recipes in advance that will go along the week for you, which will allow you to prepare a ‘to-buy’ list of items necessary to prepare that food. Having a list in advance will not only save you time but also prevent you from roaming the store and pick up stuff you never needed in the beginning.

“A trick that always works is to never shop on an empty stomach.”

Shopping on a hungry stomach leads to decision-making based on appetite rather than intentions, which is enough to ruin not only your budget but health as well. Therefore, preload yourself with some healthy snack before you put on your shopping face. For the office-goers, if you need to make a grocery stop on your way home, grab a handful of nuts or a serving of fruit to keep you full.


Read the information present on the labels



If you are looking forward to a healthy 2019, then you should develop a habit of reading the labels as well. For instance – the terms ‘low fat’, ‘fat-free’ and ‘zero trans fat’ all are different in their own rights and can often translate into something with unnecessary calories. Ingredients mentioned on the label can either add to your health or add to your waist!

The packaging of a product is a part of its marketing, which is why it is supposed to be enticing. So, BE A GOOD READER!!!

Know the ingredients



Harness the willpower to recognize the felons from your prospective ingredient list, which can be– Saturated Fats, Trans Fats, Added Sugar, Added Syrups and many more. Consult an expert who can explain to you the difference between different types of fats and how nutrition plays an important role in leading a healthy life.

Offers …. Offers and more Offers!


Union Coop spending AED 170 Million (approx.) on Consumer Happiness promotions and deals is one big example on how you can save big time with hypermarket offers. Thanks to the cutting-edge marketing channels, you can never miss on any deals or promotions and all you have to do is be there on time and save a lot in terms of your ‘grocery budget’.

Here are some useful grocery hacks:

  • Make a grocery list(as mentioned above) based on the promotion flyers you receive
  • Stock up when there’s sale, especially the staples. Check the expiry dates as well.
  • Check unit price before you take the stuff to the ‘billing counter’
  • There’s a very important yet simple tool in your cell phone, the ‘Calculator’. Please use it wisely!
  • Shop from Hypermarket as they have better offers than small time grocery stores.
  • Chicken breast is healthy and probably costly when bought alone, so consider buying a whole chicken instead.
  • Make smarter whole grain choices, like barley, brown rice and whole wheat pasta over Quinoa and Wild Rice.
  • Learn the true value of canned and frozen food by demystifying the quality myths that surround them
  • There are recipes and then there are budget-friendly recipes, so make your grocery list surrounding them. Plan your snacks and meals on time. But hey! Don’t forget to enjoy your life…
  • Sign-up for ‘Loyalty Cards’ as they can provide you with additional discounts and loyalty points, which you can redeem later.
  • Just because it is ‘ON SALE’ does not mean you should buy it!
  • Don’t be a ‘BRANDist’ as some other brands can offer you a good deal as well. There’s always a substitute!

As soon as your ‘to-buy’ list fills your shopping cart, you should harness the willpower to resist all temptations and stand in the check-out queue. These are some of the common, simple and yet essential steps towards a healthy shopping experience. If you like what you read, give it a thumbs up and don’t forget to share. Have something to add? The comment section is all YOURS J








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