Union Coop’s ‘Ramadan Bazar’ Inaugurated in staff accommodation

BENOI NAIR|June 4, 2018

Prepared By: Benoi Nair
Photographer : Sultan Almarzooqi


Union Coop inaugurates its Ramadan Bazar in its Staff accommodation, located at ‘Sonapur- Muhaisinah 2’. Director of Human Resources and Emiratization, Mr. Ahmed Bin Kenaid, accompanied by other delegates from Union Coop inaugurated the marketplace. The event will go on Until 7 June.



Sunday, 04 June 2018: UAE’s Retail Pioneers – Union Coop’s Human Resources and Emiratization dept. – Employees Happiness Unit inaugurated a unique marketplace named as ‘Ramadan Bazar’ in the staff accommodation located at ‘Sonapur- Muhaisinah 2, Dubai’. The bazar will continue until June 7 with an aim to offer discounted products to employees, as a part of the firm’s happiness initiative.

Speaking about this initiative, Mr. Ahmed Bin Kenaid said, “The event is organized as a part of our happiness initiative and it aims to offer products from categories of electronics, clothing, non-food items and others with up to 80% discount to our employees. This move will not only help them in saving money but will also promote a spirit of happiness and giving this holy month. 

Highlighting the importance of similar initiatives, Bin Kenaid comments, “Our Employee happiness unit all-round the year is busy organizing leisure tours, cultural lectures, courses and workshops, to keep our staff’s morale and productivity high. This will further motivate them to pass on the same level of happiness to our consumers, through their services.

The inauguration was done by Mr. Ahmed Bin Kenaid in the presence of Mr. Tariq Al Serkal, Staff Accommodation Unit Head, Ms. Sana Gul, Assistant Marketing Manager and a number of employees.

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