Shareholders Benefit Program

Community outreach encompasses programs for the improvement of the region’s businesses.

To assert the tremendous role we play in serving the community, contributing to social development, and driving development through the support of UCS shareholders through the following programs:

Rations Program ( Meer AL Etihad)

This program was tailored to low-income shareholder families and the beneficiaries of social aids. 1700 shareholders who receive subsidies from the Ministry of Social Affairs and charity organizations were registered in the program during the period from 01/06/2012 to 15/07/2013. Such families were granted a monthly purchase card worth AED 500 for six months. AED 5,100,000 were disbursed up to 31/08/2013. The program was halted after reaching the maximum number of shareholders, i.e 1700.

Our Children Program (Iyaluna)

This program was primarily tailored towards supporting the shareholders’ newborns in 2013, by offering the newborns’ families a purchase card worth AED 400 monthly for 6 months. 411 children were registered in the program during the period from 01/06/2013 to 31/08/2013. AED 986,400 were disbursed up to 31/08/2012, The registration deadline is 31/12/2013 or until the number allowed by the management is reached, i.e. 800 newborns.

Mercy Program (Rahma)

This program is designed to support the shareholders and shareholders’ children with special needs, by offering them a purchase card worth AED 400 monthly for 6 months. 170 people with special needs were registered in the program during the period from 01/06/2013 to 31/07/2013. An amount of AED 408,000 was disbursed up to 31/08/2013. The program ended on 31/12/2012 after reaching the maximum proposed number of people with special needs, i.e. 170.

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Website last updated on 28-03-2025 12:39:39 PM

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