Visiting Al Baraha Hospital

admin|November 26, 2017

According to the social responsibility which the Union Cooperative Society adopted, and the view of the board of directors and the general manager Mr. Khalid Humaid Bin Diban Al Falasi with the importance of supporting different central fields in the Emirate, and in continuation to this distinguished role and according to our feeling of responsibility toward those fields in providing the best services and social care;
Mr. Suhail Mahmood Sultan Albastaki , Media & Communication Department Manager, and
Ms. Huda Salem, Communication & Social Service Section Manager, had made a field visit to Al Baraha Hospital and met with the medical and administrative staff. And they were welcomed by Mr. Ahmed Obeid Al Khadeem, Hospital Manager, who in his turn provided a detailed explanation about the hospital’s prominent role. In addition that he touched the coming projects of Ministry of Health.
In an inspectorate round, the Cooperative’s delegation had seen all the various sections of the hospital and the most important required developing needs. The thing that is considered as an assertion on the Cooperative’s role in society service, and participating in the social development including the health field.

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