Union Coop attained ISO Certificate (ISO 90001:2008)

admin|November 23, 2017

The Union Coop attained ISO Certificate (ISO 90001:2008) in the field of retail (Hyper market and Supermarket), management of properties and commercial centers by Birofiritas in Britain after conforming of its procedures and the Cooperative UNION COOP’s success to fulfill the pre-requisites and conditions that qualify it to attain such cerfficate.
In this occasion, the Director of Marketing and Communication Department, Mr. Suhail Al Bastaki stated that attainment of the Union Coop of the Global ISO Certificate confirms the soundness of the vision and objectives adopted by the Society and its efforts to upgrade services, and standards it operate thereunder with the aim of achieving international ranking at the various aspects. In addition, he added this achievement indicated that the Union Coop is going forward in availing the best international practices and enhancing life values, upgrade, and support sustainable development direction and elevate them in line with the strategy of Dubai Government of 2012 and attaining progressive standing among the best international cities.
He added, “ such represents a manifestation of prospects of His Highness; Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashed al-Maktoum; The State President’s Deputy, Head of the Cabinet; and Governor of Dubai, and His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohamed bin Rashed Al-maktoum; the Crown Prince of Dubai and the Head of the Executive Council, through contributions to make the Emirate of Dubai a core one in the global economy and a smart City, becoming a favorable place for living, work and the best destiny of visitors.
Mr. Suhail Al Bastaki mentioned that owning to the various efforts for achieving the best, and working as one team to become number one in our field at the local, regional, and international levels. An internal Committee has been formed to work on the required systems and reports to achieving standards required to attain this certificate. The Union Coop did not resort to any external foreign companies in that field, which manifests the strength and efficiency of staff working at the Society and their keenness to excel and renovate at work consistently.
Mr. Suhail Al Bastaki indicated that the Committee headed by Mr. Rashid Mohamed Ibrahim Alharmoodi – Operation Division Manager Bur Dubai Area has exerted intensive efforts and worked constantly over one year period to attain the ISO international Certificate in cooperation with a number of Executives, namely Mrs. Priya Chopra – Business Strategy Manager , Mr. Ahmad Barghouti – Senior Compliance & Risk Lead , Mrs. Nassrin Hassan Ali Gholoom – Quality Assurance Controller, Mrs. Seena Mol Siyad – Health & Safety Inspector, besides the overall commitment of the other departments through their contributions and cooperation to accomplish that work which helped the Institution to achieve the highest levels.

The management of the Society would like to congratulate the Board and Mr. Khaled Hameed Bin Ziban Al-Filasy the General Manager and all staff and employees in the Society in the occasion of its attaining the ISO which has been handed over to the Society for the continuous and prominent achievements in comparison to the other peer institutions and companies, at both the local and international levels.

ISO is a collection of certificates related to the Quality Management Systems which are based on a set of standards within the system of quality management system administered by the concerned Authority for “Certification and Authentication’.

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