Shareholders Benefit Program

Shareholders Benefit Program

1. Rations Program (Meer Al Etihad)

This program is developed to assist low-income shareholders to face the challenges of high living costs. This program is reduced to the shareholders who receive subsidies from any government or charity authority. These shareholders will grant a purchase card worth AED 500 per month for 6 months to shop from UNION COOP. The following conditions and procedures will apply:

Program Application Requirements
Applicant must be a UNION COOP’s shareholder
Applicant must be a low-income who receives subsidies from any government or charity authority
Enrolled shareholder will not be allowed to fully transfer his shares to other shareholders during the 6-month card disbursement period.
In the event that such shareholder wants a full shares transfer during the period of the program, the following measures must be taken:
In case of disbursing the card amount, the transfer request will be put off until the next month
The card will be invalidated as of the transfer date
If the applicant is a person with special needs, such applicant is not allowed to join Rations Program (Meer Al Etihad) and Rahma programs simultaneously. Such applicant shall apply to one of these programs, unless the shareholder has a child (under 18 years) with special needs. This being the case, such applicant may benefit from both programs.

Program Application Required Documents
Application form available at the Customer Service offices at the branches, commercial centers (Malls), and unit of communication and community service. You can get it through this website as well (click here to download).
Copy of the ID card or passport
After obtaining the required documents, the application form, together with the attached documents, must be submitted to the unit of communication and community service at Etihad Mall- management offices- Tel: 800 88 89
If your card is lost, please call 800 88 89

2. Our Children Program(Iyaluna)

This program is primarily tailored towards supporting the shareholders’ newborns, by offering them a purchase card worth AED 400 monthly for 6 months to shop from UNION COOP, the following conditions and procedures will apply:

Program application Requirements
The newborn must be the child of a shareholder and born in 2012 between 01-01-2012 and 31-12-2012
Shareholders are entitled for as many purchase cards as they want equals to the number of the newborns they give birth during the validity period of the program.
Enrolled shareholder will not be allowed to fully transfer his shares to other shareholders during the 6-month card disbursement period.
In the event that such shareholder wants a full shares transfer during the period of the program, the following measures must be taken:
In case of disbursing the card amount, the transfer request will be put off until the next month
The card will be invalidated as of the transfer date
Program Application Required Documents
Application form available at the Customer Service offices at the branches, commercial centers (Malls), and unit of communication and community service. You can get it through this website as well (click here to download).
The applicant must fill in the registration form attached to the following:
Child birth certificate
Copy of the shareholder’s ID card or passport
After obtaining the required documents, the application form, together with the attached documents, must be submitted to the unit of communication and community service at Al Etihad Mall- Management offices- Tel: 800 88 89
If your card is lost, please call 800 88 89

3. Mercy Program (Rahma)

This program is designed to support the shareholders and shareholders’ children with special needs, by offering them a purchase card worth AED 400 monthly for 6 months to shop from UNION COOP. the following conditions and procedures will apply:

Program Application Requirements
The applicant must be a UNION COOP shareholder or a shareholder’s child of age under 18
A special need applicant must be registered at a rehabilitation and care center or any other government authority proving such applicant’s disability.
Enrolled shareholder will not be allowed to fully transfer his shares to other shareholders during the 6-month card disbursement period.
In the event that such shareholder wants a full shares transfer during the period of the program, the following measures must be taken:
In case of disbursing the card amount, the transfer request will be put off until the next month
The card will be invalidated as of the transfer date
A shareholder will not benefit from the two programs simultaneously of (Meer Al Etihad and Rahma) unless such shareholders receives subsidies from any charity or government authority and has a child with special needs (under 18)
A shareholder may obtain a separate card for every child with special needs (under 18) if such shareholder provides the required documents proving disability.
Program Application Required Documents
Application form available at the Customer Service offices at the branches, commercial centers (Malls), and unit of communication and community service. You can get it through this website as well (click here to download).
An applicant must fill in the registration form attached to the following:\
A certificate to whom it may concern from the care and rehabilitation center or any other government authority proving disability
Copy of the shareholder’s ID card or passport
After obtaining the required documents, the application form, together with the attached documents, must be submitted to the unit of communication and community service at Al Etihad Mall- Management offices- Tel: 800 88 89
If your card is lost, please call 800 88 89

2023 UNION COOP. All Rights Reserved

Website last updated on 27-03-2025 03:24:41 PM

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